It is rare that I am able to travel with no other purpose than to take photographs. On the last weekend of May I took a trip to Gettysburg for just that purpose.
Debra Ross, who runs the wonderful website
www.KidsOutandAbout.com, told me about a concert trip planned by the Bach Children's Chorus
www.bachkidsusa.org. The group, which is made up of young singers ages 8 through 16, is based in Rochester and has a far reaching reputation of excellence. The concerts were to take place in Washington, DC and Gettysburg, PA for the anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg address.

Deb's daughters, Madison and Ella, sing with the group and the whole family was planning to make the trip. I have had the privilege of photographing the Ross family for many years and thought it would be great fun to make the trip to Gettysburg to document this momentous occasion. Since I'd never visited the Battlefield or National Cemetery, it was advantageous for me to spend time photographing the area too.
My husband and I arrived on Saturday afternoon and began to tour the spots where the historic Civil War battles took place. I don't know what I was expecting. but I hadn't thought about how difficult it might be to capture the feelings of such an historic place with images. The battlefields and monuments are spread out for miles around Gettysburg and figuring out how to include the important spots was a little daunting. It took some time for me to decide how to go about it. but I finally found good ideas for something creative.

We met up with BCC members on Sunday at the Visitors Center to capture all the exciting moments of the concert there and then headed to the exact spot in the National Cemetery where Lincoln gave his address. Members of BCC had memorized Lincoln's words and began by reciting the Gettysburg address for the audience. They then performed a few more songs and left for lunch in town.

Frank and I continued on our way to photograph the spots we hadn't visited the day before and also took a little time for browsing the shops.

It was a wonderful experience to hear these talented children perform on such a unique occasion. I enjoyed capturing the special moments and had a great time wandering the area with nothing on my mind but photography.
What a great weekend.