Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Magic of Light Exhibit Opening Reception - You're Invited!

We're starting the New Year with more exciting news!

The upcoming Magic of Light Exhibit at Image City Gallery on University Avenue will include two of my pieces.
Please join us for the Opening Receptions for the new Exhibit this weekend! I hope you'll able to visit and see all the wonderful work that is created by Artists in our area.

The Magic of Light
Our Ninth Juried Show
98 Photographers Exhibiting
January 5 - January 24, 2016

Reception Weekend
Friday, 5 - 9 pm, January 8, a First Friday Gallery Night
Saturday, 2 - 5 pm, January 9

Photographers  Juried into the Exhibit

 Clay Arnold Gaylon Arnold Deborah Beardslee Jack Beck Dick Beery Robert Bilsky David Bleich Sharlene Cady Dario Castaldi David Cohn Lisa Cook Donna Cox Bev Cronkite Honey DeLapa Barbara J. Drake Lee A. Drake Paul Drushler Sylvia Edmonds Clark Edward John A. Ejaife Bruce C. Elling John Esposito Charles W. Everson Chip Evra Joyce Frank Sandra L. Frankel Bonnie Gamache George Getman George R. Gibbs Beverly Gibson Carlos Gonzalez Loree Harpole Thomas Harvey Scott Hemenway Sherman Henzel Larry Hilf JoEllen Hill Jon L. Hoeft Julie Jacobs Walter Jakubowski Susan Kaye Joel Kerlan Emily Kinney Dan Klein Sarah Klingenberger Laura Knecht John Kosboth David Kotok Kimberly Kraft Tom Kredo Julia Laude Howard LeVant Frank Liberti Alison Lindsey Judy Lombard Joann K. Long Claudia Manchester Rick McAlister Dan McCormack Sheila Nelson Jim O’Neill Renée Ortiz Sandi Osterwise Todd Owlett Jeff Palm P. J. Pennewell Luann Pero Robert Pierce Angela Possemato Martha H. Price Michael Putorti Susan Rawleigh Nancy Rice David Ridley Steve Rolleri Ann Rumrill Neil R. Scheier MD Elaine Schmidt David Schroeder Burton Segelin Hank Shaw Terri Sipone Gabrielle Slavny Andy Smith David Soderlund D. Dargan Teska Dick Thomas Loni Titus Ken Tryon Steven Tryon Joy Underhill Michele Vair Charles Vaughn Charles Walker Ed Welch John Williamson Wu-Hsiung Yang Paul Yarnall

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year 2016

If you're reading this, I thank you for your interest in what's happening here on the blog.

I've decided it's time to be more serious about posting and sharing the photographic fun that goes on in my life. When I'm not creating photographs, I'm interacting with photographers and reading about how to improve my techniques. You might be interested in hearing some of that.

Since the advent of Facebook and other internet sharing sites, there have been many days when it felt ridiculous to continue in this chosen profession. We are inundated with a plethora of images - EVERYWHERE! Some are spectacular and most are not. All seem to get the same "applause" and one wonders whether there is any reason to work at excellence in the craft.

I am one of the lucky ones who, nearing retirement, won't have to worry about the future of Professional Studio Photography as a sole source of income. Unlike many of my colleagues, I am able to take the types of work I enjoy most and don't have the overhead of a Studio at this time. It's quite a wonderful feeling to create work for one's own enjoyment and hope that others enjoy it as well. The best way for me to continue will be to create, share and let the work speak for itself. I also hope that by sharing, I will help others who are interested in learning more about their craft.

Currently I have a piece in the Members Exhibition at the Rochester Contemporary Art Gallery which continues through January 17th. Here are a couple of photos from the Opening Reception and the Artist's Talks. I wasn't able to make the reception but was told everyone had a grand time.


My piece is the Harley Wheel there in the corner. Thanks to the RoCo staff for taking photographs during the event.

I decided not to give a "talk" this year and will rectify that when submitting my work next time. I participated in the talks last year and, although I find it difficult to talk about my work, I feel it's important to share thoughts about the process. I was very thankful there were people who cared to hear what I had to say.  Here's a photo of my talk at last year's event. The black and white piece next to my head was mine and it sold during the exhibition.

As much as I enjoy creating art for exhibition, I enjoy creating portraits for clients equally as much. It's wonderful to work with people who understand the importance of quality portraiture that will be handed down from generation to generation. Portraits will become treasured heirlooms for your family. I treat each one as a work of art. I'll share some of my portrait work here as the year goes on.

Now I'm on to the next exhibit at Image City Gallery. Please read the next installment which will be posted this week to get details about the Opening Reception. Perhaps you can visit both galleries to see the work of the many talented artists while they are up.

It's a great way to start the New Year!

DeLapa Photography Newsletter