Wow... that's pretty awesome and it's going to be difficult to live up to that title on a daily basis.
After many years of participation in the PPA degree program, I finally achieved enough Exhibition and Service Merits to receive this honor during the 2011 PPA Imaging Conference in San Antonio, TX.
I wasn't able to attend the ceremony, so my medallion and certificate were mailed to me in this very creative package.
My business has changed so much over the years, having first concentrated on Weddings, then moving to include Heirloom Portraits and adding Photographic Art along the way. I have worked through many changes in our industry during this period. The medallion will be worn as I work to help educate those who are beginning their journey in the photographic industry.
It's a whole different business from the one I started in over 30 years ago and it's been quite a trip. I've learned so much of what I know through my association with Finger Lakes/PPSNYS and would never have achieved this honor if I'd not been a member. Thanks to all my wonderful colleagues and friends for your help and companionship along the way and to my husband who has been my number one fan and a sounding board throughout the journey.
Thank you PPA for granting this honor.