Saturday, April 2, 2011

Waiting for Spring

Even though the calendar says it's Spring, we often continue to endure cold and snow into April and sometimes even May. ( no! )

Today it's beautiful and sunny but still cold here along the lake shore. Just seeing the sun streaming in through the windows and watching the migration of the birds over the lake lifts the spirits.

With Spring comes "Daffodil Days"

and, before you know it, our "Day at the Beach". 

We specialize in location portraiture and these are just some of the wonderful areas we use for our portraits. You can use your own surroundings or a special spot that has meaning for you and your family, to create a portrait unlike any other.

Whether the session includes the whole family 

or just the newest member
WE are the location portrait specialist for you!

We're really looking forward to a busy season and all the happy faces of those we'll photograph. Scroll down to the bottom of this post and sign up for our newsletter. You'll receive notices for our Limited Edition Sessions and a variety of special offers! 

DeLapa Photography Newsletter