I'm posting a couple of snapshots (don't critique these please) to let my husband, who is in the Caribbean somewhere, know what beautiful Spring weather we're having. He has no access to facebook but can read my blog!
If he's lucky, this will all be over before he returns. I'm definitely ready for WARM weather!
It's gotten worse since I uploaded this!
I have to go retrieve the other garbage can and take the snow shovel out of the garage!
P.S. I have to remind myself that our area gets snow right through May! My husband and I met during one of the largest snowstorms the area had seen at that time and that was on April 5th!
Then, there was one mid May weekend where I photographed a wedding party in Highland Park on Saturday with 60ยบ temps and my colleague then photographed a wedding ceremony the very next day at the same location, in a snowstorm, with temps in the 20's.
The fun never ends!!